Madden 24 Best Attributes for Each Position

What are the most important attributes for each position in Madden 24? The following are the non-physical attributes that have the most significant impact on the player ratings for each location from highest to lowest impact. Grouped attributes have the same effect. Attributes that have minimal or no impact on ratings are not displayed. This does not mean that they do not affect the game. All players will say if you should choose a player with high SPD or STR for their position. But of course, you want the best athletes with excellent physical fitness.

QB - Speed

1. Throw Power (THP) & Awareness (AWR)

2. Throw Accuracy Short (SAC) & Throw Accuracy Medium (MAC)

3. Throw Accuracy Deep (DAC)

4. Play Action (PAC)

Note: Some people say or think that AWR doesn't work for QB unless CPU operated. Through my testing I noticed with the AWR up his passing trajectories were on point & sharp but stil inaccurate do to other ratings still being low. So in my opinion it does have an effect with user ratings. (you can test this yourself)

HB - Speed

1. Awareness (AWR), Carrying (CAR) & BC Vision (BCV)

2. Trucking (TRK)

3. Spin Move (SPM) & Juke Move (JKM)

Note: I have tested & found with a higher BCV you tend to slightly get more blocks & move better running. (you can test this yourself) I haven't tested AWR with HB's.

FB - Speed & Strength

1. Awareness (AWR) & Run Block (RBK)

2. Impact Blocking (IBL)

3. Pass Block (PBK) & Carrying (CAR)

4. Trucking (TRK)

5. Catching (CTH), BC Vision (BCV) & Stiff Arm (SFA)

WR - Speed

1. Awareness (AWR), Catching (CTH) & Route Running

2. Catch In Traffic (CIT) & Release (RLS)

3. Spectacular Catch (SPC) & Carrying (CAR)

TE - Speed & Strength

1. Awareness (AWR) & Run Block (RBK)

2. Catching (CTH), Catch In Traffic (CIT) & Run Block (RBK)

3. Impact Block (IBL)

4. Pass Block (PBK)

LT - Strength

1. Pass Block (PBK)

2. Run Block (RBK)

3. Awareness (AWR)

4. Impact Block (IBL)

LG/RG - Strength

1. Pass Block (PBK)

2. Awareness (AWR) & Run Block (RBK)

3. Impact Block (IBL)

C - Strength

1. Pass & Run Block (RBK)

2. Awareness (AWR)

3. Impact Block (IBL)

RT - Strength

1. Run Block (RBK)

2. Awareness (AWR) & Pass Block (PBK)

3. Impact Block (IBL)

LE/RE - Speed & Strength

1. Awareness (AWR)

2. Finesse Moves (FMV) & Power Moves (PMV)

3. Tackle (TAK) & Block Shedding (BSH)

4. Play Recognition (PRC)

5. Pursuit (PUR)

DT - Strength

1. Awareness (AWR)

2. Block Shedding (BSH), Power Moves (PMV) & Finesse Moves (FMV)

3. Tackle (TAK)

4. Play Recognition (PRC)

LOLB/ROLB - Speed & Strength

1. Awareness (AWR)

2. Tackle (TAK) & Play Recognition (PRC)

3. Block Shedding (BSH), Finesse Moves (FMV) & Power Moves (PMV)

4. Pursuit (PUR) & Zone coverage (ZCV)

5. Man coverage (MCV)

MLB - Speed & Strength

1. Tackle (TAK)

2. Awareness (AWR), Play Recognition (PRC) & Block Shedding (BSH)

3. Pursuit (PUR) 

4. Hit Power (HTP)

5. Pursuit (PUR), Finesse Moves (FMV) & Power Moves (PMV)

CB - Speed

1. Man coverage (MCV)

2. Awareness (AWR)

3. Play Recognition (PRC) & Zone coverage (ZCV)

4. PRS (PRS) & Tackle (TAK)

FS - Speed

1. Awareness (AWR) & Zone coverage (ZCV)

2. Play Recognition (PRC) & Tackle (TAK)

3. Pursuit (PUR) & Man coverage (MCV)

SS - Speed & Strength

1. Awareness (AWR)

2. Tackle (TAK), Play Recognition (PRC) & Zone coverage (ZCV)

3. Pursuit (PUR)

4. Hit Power (HTP) & Man coverage (MCV)

K - High KAC (Kick Accuracy) & Power

P - High KPW (Kick Power)


Anonymous said…
Good job good information
T-Rex said…
This is only for overall ratings right? i am looking for a list that directly benefits game player rather than just the overall. sort of like a Moneyball approach. do you have a list like that?

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